I read Man's Search for Meaning around September last year and I still reflect on some things from the book.

One of them is the quote, "People have enough to live by but nothing to live for, they have the means but no meaning."

And to answer your question, if I was given $100M I'd quit my job (not abruptly, but eventually) and then pursue things I'm more passionate about. Things I'll happily undergo pain and struggle for...

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Purpose, relevance, fulfillment, self-identity and true satisfaction from achieving something hard are as much necessities as air, water and food.

Thank you for calling this out, Adam. Humans are not wired for this. Going back to our primal days, we have strived and struggled to live and improve. Then, in the latter part of the 20th century came "retirement." Now, people are suffering the dark side of it for the very reasons you listed.

Thank you for calling this out, Adam.

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