40 weeks ago, I wrote my first newsletter.
I wrote it because I like to write. No other reason.
Since then, this newsletter went from a “Yeah-I-Might-Write-It-Sometimes” to “Hundreds-Of-People-Read-This-And-Expect-It-So-I-Better-Write It.”
And that’s because of you.
So thank you.
Here’s the reason for this email:
In 2024, I’m making a tiny tweak.
Adamant Insights is, and will always remain, free. Like I said, I write it because I like to write it.
A number of you are incredible people who have paid money to subscribe to this newsletter despite it being free.
So I want to say thank you.
In 2024, I’ll be adding a new feature for paid subscribers: My “7 Sunday Sparks” posts.
The 7 Sunday Sparks are this:
7 thoughts sent every Sunday.
Sometimes they’re inspiring. Sometimes they’re thought-provoking. Sometimes they’re funny.
Sometimes they’re from my brain.
Sometimes they’re quotes from others.
Sometimes they’re smart things I read that week.
Most of my posts take a few minutes to read.
The Sunday Sparks will hit you in under 60 seconds.
The first Sunday Spark will go out on 1/7/2024.
Final thoughts for 2023:
Thank you.
I mean it.
In life, most things happen gradually. Day-to-day, nothing seems to change, so progress is hard to see.
Then, you look up and everything has changed.
This year has been different.
My life is changing and I’m watching it happen. I’m aware of it. It’s not gradual — it’s breakneck.
And you’re why.
2023 was quite a year.
But we’re just getting started.
(P.S. I’m going to have the audacity to ask one more thing of you:
If you ever read an Adamant Insights post and think, “My friend/cousin/barista/goldfish would like this,” please share the post.)